Clinical Bike Fit — Tad Hughes

Technology has permeated every corner of our lives and propelled forward changes both in the bikes themselves and how we position ourselves on them.  Bikefit as it is commonly known has expanded in parallel and today can mean several different  things to the individual.  Whereas Bikefit is marriage between body and machine, at the high end it is still a black art as there are too many variables with the human body for it to be strictly scientific.

However this has created two distinct groups who view bike fitting differently.

Parts or People?
The majority and foundation of bikefitting is derived from a sales environment.  Sizing as it is commonly termed is the ranging of products roughly based on the individual to provide a close enough start.  This is constituted as a fitting by most, but the individualized body-based tailoring is missing.
Physical ailments from participation? Then off to the shop to replace products/contact points in an effort to alleviate them.  This creates a Cinderella-like quest for the magic slipper.

What is the pink elephant in the room?
It is your body.  And while you most likely don’t use your car mechanic for healthcare your sales/mechanical agent is making adjustments to your body.
This side of fitting is referred to as Performance fitting.  A data driven, algorithmic parts solution to improve performance or comfort.  This is the ethos for the majority of fit systems which extend from manufacturers who produce bikes and associated parts in a variety of sizes to allow the selling outlet (physical or online) to cater to a clientele who previously researched the selections heavily from internet resources.  You may know yourself, but chances are you don’t cut your own hair.

Why Clinical?
Clinical fitting is a body first approach to the cycle interaction.  Your fit is driven based on unique physical parameters/requirements determined by a specialist rather then forcing the body to a pre-determined outcome.

This group plays a major role in the aspect of injury both in regard to accommodations and injury prevention.  We are specialists within a specialty hence why there is not one in every town.
Chances are reading this you have a unique set of circumstances that are unresolved to this point. You have come to the right place.

Our clientele profile is typically one of two scenarios; a cyclist/triathlete in pain/discomfort or has other physical maladies acute or chronic.  As our members are part of a P.E.T (performance enhancement team) the client may have been referred from a medical or fitness professional. The other client is a healthy one, but looking to maximize performance based on their body parameters and often are working diligently to improve it.

The common denominator sought from both profiles is the desire to maximize the knowledge our specialists can extract from their experience and  knowledge of the human body and implement that towards a solution.

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